Outdoor Education
In grade 9 I was part of an Outdoor Education program. This was my first experience of learning outside of a classroom regularly. There were many benefits I experienced from this environment and I want to incorporate outdoor and place based learning in my practice.

SD33 Farm Program
Similar to the Outdoor Ed program, this program was a great opportunity to learn outdoors and from my local environment. I was able to experience this program as a student, hired summer employee, and volunteer.

Rotary Youth Exchange: France
I spent a school year in France in grade 11. Although I did not learn all the same content as my peers, it was a valuable experience to be immersed in a different school system and it taught me how other English language learners might feel when they are in the Canadian school system.

Cohort 2: EDPE
This video is from EDPE in the Winter 2023 semester. Even though we are learning a lot in this program, the dynamic of the cohort is very fun and makes a great learning environment.
Travel: Egypt
My curiosity about the world has led me to be an avid traveler and took me to exploring Egypt this summer. I like to learn about other places and history of the world around me, which I hope to instill a similar curiosity with my students.